Our Story....
Spring of 2014 after a week long stay at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT our 8 year old daughter Lauren was able to come home. While she was at the hospital a friend named Jennifer came by to decorate her room. This made Lauren feel happy. Her body was going through a lot and this act of kindness brightened her stay. While leaving the hospital Lauren noticed another child's room that didn't have decorations she felt sad. In 2015, after Lauren's body went into remission and she was feeling better we started making "kisses from heaven" packages and delivered them to the Ronald McDonald Family Room at Primary Children's in S.L.C. This way parents can pick up a package and decorate their child's room, to brighten their stay. We love doing this every year as a way to keep the love flowing that Lauren felt when her room was decorated. In 2021 we decided to take "KFH" nationwide. To help support the cause we take donations on venmo. The money is used for supplies: scrapbook paper, masking tape, pencils, envelopes and travel or mailing expenses. We appreciate all the support and couldn't do it without your kind donations! Thank You!

The Team
